Monday, February 15, 2010

Walk the Talk..

Being a Leader you must Walk the Talk, if not, you loose the trust among your followers, and the credibility they had on you, furthermore, the purpose of your leadership will be lost too.

Thus leading with values is critical, first you must make sure everyone should understand the values, and secondly, you must guide the people to practice them, most importantly however you must walk the talk, and lead as an example to all others.

When Talking about values I remember one of the great quotes said by Albert Einstein,

"Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to be a person of values."

Bud Bilanich, in his book leading with values, says, Values ground an organization - providing direction for people who find themselves in ambitious situations. They are guides for decision making, many leaders fail, however, by opting for the values they never really believed. They sound good, but no heart.

Putting values first always don't come easy, sometimes it takes courage, recently i read a book about leadership when I visited the Powell's book store, the book was named as The Essence of Leadership, by Mac Anderson, the founder of Successories, I like the simple and clear writing style of his, he broke the values/ attributes of leadership into simple topics and presented them with great real life examples, since we are talking about the values of leadership I want to share one of the interesting topics which he wrote about how one great CEO had to put the value first with great courage on an economic crisis situation.

In 1982, James Burke, the CEO at Johnson and Johnson made a courageous decision to pull Tylenol capsules off the shelves in response to a cyanide-poisoning crisis. He took a $100 Million hit to the bottom line.

When he called for meeting with his key executives, he brought a copy of the company Credo, which was written in 1943 by R.W. Johnson Jr, on the Credo, it clearly spelled out, " We believe our first responsibility is..... to our mothers and fathers and all others who use our products." Burke said, "here is the Credo. If we are not going to live by it, let's tear it off the wall, If we are, however, we know what we have to do." The team didn't need to debate whether customer safety outweighed the short term financial concerns, because the debating has been done decades earlier.

The Alignment with their core value cost the company dearly in financial terms, but the return on the investment came through increased customer confidence and loyalty, boosting the product to an even greater market share than it had before the crisis.

Never forget, as a leader the values starts with you and ends with you, whether your example is good or bad, expect most to follow your lead, as Bud Bilanich said, "You need to know the way, show the way, and go the way. By doing this you will have earned the right to insist that others do the same."

Monday, January 18, 2010

Trust ... Uni Directional or Bi Directional ...

Its been a while since I updated my blog, quite lot of things coming up in life, change of careers and different obstacles kept me away from the passion which i was carrying on leadership, it is really amazing to see how external factors in this social context could really affect into some your real desires or burning passions.

Today, I was reading a blog which was posted by one of my friends about the software development world and non-technical project managers, to put into a leadership concept, a leader with different expertise and followers with different expertise working together to achieve a common goal.

The point which my friend was stressing about was how the software development could lead into very unproductive with non-technical managers, eventually leading into unhappy customers too, which i agree and disagree

Its all about how the managers present and see there selves in the development process, if the manager could understand what he/she is responsible of and what he she is suppose to do, then under his/her leadership the project would be definitely successful.

So now what takes this non-technical manger/leader to make his team successful, thats the question many of us have, which again brings us to the qualities of a leader

To be a leader Trust is very important, and this trust should be bi-directional, a leader cannot just trust on his/her followers and where the followers don't trust on him/her, or vice versa, where as the followers trust in the leader and leader does not trust his followers, this will not lead into a healthy relationship, thus the trust should be established from both sides,

The leader should be trusted by his followers and the followers should trust in the leaders, to make that team/relationship stronger and successful, when this component of trust is established among all, the communication process becomes easier.

Lets see how a non-technical manager - technical team relation lead to success. using the component of Trust and Communication, If the Software Developers Trust on the leadership of their manger even though he/she is non-technical, the manger will lead them to success it will help to break one of the main communication boundaries between the both.

Reason why is, specially when the technical people are lead by a non-technical personality anything which related to technical functionality the chance of them communicating it with their manger is minimal as there will be an own prejudice among the technical people on He/She is not technical. we are the technical people we will know how to solve this issue without asking him/her. or to get things even more worse... He/She is non-technical and will not know anything about this. now this lack of trust between the two leads a communication breakdown and thus impacting the product, where as simply bringing that issue to the manager whether its technical or non-technical the leader might be able to use his/her expertise to find a path/solution for the issue, as it does not have to do only with technical skills of the leader. the leader might be able to get some extra pool of resources pulled into get the issue resolved

The Same thing goes the other way too, When the Manager Does not trust in his/her team and starts Micro managing them, Trust and Confidence is one of the main stimulant which triggers micromanagement, leading a manager out of his/her boundaries to put thy selves into the technical shoes to get the project moving forward, and thus failing in it as its not something which is in there knowledge scope, and impacting on the quality, time and success of the work, also not to forget bringing the moral of the team members(followers) down.

Ultimately its the End product which takes the Hit, and making things go out of control beyond the team.

Now lets get this scenario into a perfect world example, Where the manager(non technical) trust the team (technical) and the team trusts the manager, how is the working relationship going to be, without even thinking you would have got the answer in your mind "SMOOTH" is that correct, Yes definitely its going to be the best combination leading to great success, now why is that ? because everyone understands their roles and trust on each others ability and contribution on the ultimate goals success,

A manager can be non-technical, but still would have perfect management skills, and the technical team (development team) will be the best at the technical aspect of the project but will lack on management skills, so the blend of these two is what makes the project neutral and successful, where as the managers can use their ability to manage the team to identify the pool of resources to contribute and distribute evenly through the development life cycle until the end goal is achieved, resulting on a successful product.

Overall when we look at the tension and misconception about how non-technical mangers - and technical teams performance and success is depend is on that healthy relationship based on trust, and communication, not about the technicality of the leader and the follower

And this is the main important reason why organizations and companies should concentrate more in the trust building process among the employees and management which will help for a healthy relationship and successful outcomes/outputs